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Afecor - The European Control Manufacturers' Association

The mission of the association is to influence regulations and promote standards ensuring safe, efficient and environment friendly use of primary energy sources.

- Driving the processes of standardization of controls and their application fields.
- Providing expertise at the drafting stage of EC legislation affecting the industry using gaseous and liquid fuels.
- Promoting the interest of control manufacturers in the appliance manufacturers’ associations or other relevant organizations.

Afecor achieves its objectives by active involvement of experts from the member companies in
- market observation
- investigating new technologies
- participation in standardization outside EU
- providing comments and statements on legislation

Afecor in the past and our involvement today

Afecor is a member opf the Alliance which promotes production and use of hydrogen.

Technical Director - Ettore Rossi
A large number of European controls manufacturers, aware of the outstanding opportunities offered by harmonised standards for gas and oil controls in the single European market have chosen to participate directly through independent membership of afecor.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us! We are happy to hear from you
Write us:
Afecor Secretariat
Mevissenstraße 1
50668 Köln
Phone: +49 (221) 270799 02
Afecor has its official base in Vilvoorde, Belgium.